Thursday, March 6, 2014


Procedure: In this activity we constructed a flowchart that turned a motor on and off. I also checked the system to see if my flowchart performed as written.

I worked with Megan, Ally, and Josh in this activity. I thought it was very entertaining working with them because we are all friends and they are very nice.

Conclusion: The best way to make sure all your devises are in the correct ports of the interface and have been wired correctly is to make sure that you have followed the directions. Also, make sure you do it over again and go over the directions to make sure that you have done it correctly. If you see that you've done it wrong then you need to try again and fix what you did wrong. This incooprortaties what we have been learning all year with trail and error, after not completely the task correctly we are able to retract find our mistakes and fix them until we can fully complete the task. 

It is important to label block functions to a flowchart because it tells the system what to do. If it was not labeled nothing would happen. 

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