Design, build and compete with a Mousetrap Racecar (A "car" uses at least two axles).
Maintain a clean workspace.
One mousetrap
No more than 12" of masking tape
Fischertechnique robotics parts
No more than 24" of string
All materials used must travel with your vehicle
You must work through the stages of the event (see Achievements below)
Additional materials by Instructor approval
Design, build and compete with a Mousetrap Racecar (A "car" uses at least two axles).
Maintain a clean workspace.
One mousetrap
No more than 12" of masking tape
Fischertechnique robotics parts
No more than 24" of string
All materials used must travel with your vehicle
You must work through the stages of the event (see Achievements below)
Additional materials by Instructor approval
Achievements (by stage):
1. Completing the task on time
2. Improving distance though trials
3. Making it the least farthest out of everyone
4. Using good required materials
5. Having more then 1 girl in a group
6. Most changes between trials of car
Next time we will improve our technique with the string and where it is placed. Also change our tactics to greaten the lengthen of the distance of our car. The different wheels chosen by different teams also seem to differ results, maybe we will change our wheel choice! My favorite part was how our distance improved
after trial and error, it was a great feelings having our car go farther our
second and third time trying!
We completed the task successfully and on time, next time we will win! Clean Up Stage:
Megan, I and only a handful of others were the only ones at first to clean up the classroom. I swept the the whole classroom and after getting slightly annoyed made everyone stop playing minecraft and help me! Then we successfully cleaned the whole class.